Anatomy of a Civil Tax Controversy


In this timely, and compelling, CLE program, attorney Michael J. Deblis Presents, “Anatomy of a Civil Tax Controversy” Join attorney Deblis as he walks you through the anatomy of a civil tax controversy from A through Z. This program will cover each step in the process, and will take a closer look at what to do during an eggshell audit. Other topics to be discussed include cases typically recommended for prosecution, attorney-client privilege in the tax realm, Kovel Agreements, IRS Appeals, and more. This program is a must for any attorney

Learning Objectives

In-depth overview of the anatomy of a civil tax controversy from A through Z 
Best practices for walking your client through an eggshell audit
A Review attorney-client privilege in the tax realm 
Discuss the use of a Kovel Accountant and drafting an airtight Kovel Agreement 
A Comprehension of the IRS Appeals Process 
Evaluate the hazards of litigation 



Anatomy of a Civil Tax Controversy


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