Preparing Clients for Deposition: An Investment in Performance


Preparing Clients for Deposition: An Investment in Performance

In this timely and compelling program, attorney, Alan Fanger Presents, “Preparing Clients for Deposition: An Investment in Performance”. Mr. Fanger begins the program with an overview of deposition goals and some client myths. Attorney Fanger continues the program by, systemically, covering the types of clients and how to approach each one. The program continues with general deposition guidelines and the best way to answer deposition questions. Mr. Fanger proceeds to explain the methods of deposition preparation. The program concludes with a discussion on mediation. With Mr. Fanger’s decades of experience, this program is a must for any attorney


  • Goal of Deposition 
  • Client Myths
  • Types of Clients and Approaches 
  • General Deposition Guidelines
  • Answer Deposition Questions 
  • Methods of Deposition Preparation 
  • Meditation 




Preparing Clients for Deposition: An Investment in Performance

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