New York Bundle 24 Credits with 4 Ethics and 1 Elimination of Bias/Diversity, 1 Cyber Security
Bundle Courses:
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (1 Credit)
Opening Statement As a Story (101) (1 Credit)
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1 Credit)
The Fifth Amendment’s Essential Role in Offshore Audits (1.5 Credits)
Opening Statement As a Story (101) – (1 Credit)
Opening Statements As a Story – 102 (1.5 Credits)
Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) (1.5 Credits)
Taking Off the Gloves: What to Expect in U.S. Tax Court (1.5 Credits)
Cross Examination Made Simple (1.5 Credits)
Direct Examination: Making the Witness Look Good (1.5 Credits)
Basics of How to Obtain a Patent (2 Credits)
Overview of the Freedom of Information Act (2.5 Credits)
Gambling, The Secret Addiction The Impact of Internet and Sports Betting (1 Ethics Credits)
Unauthorized Practice of Law: Ethical Dilemmas and the Rule of Law (1 Ethics Credit)
Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession: Both Personally and Professionally (1 Diversity and Elimination of Bias Credit)
Information Law Firms Collect and Store – What to do in the Event of a Cyber Breach? (1 Cyber Security Credit)
Ethical Issues – Pro Bono Representation: Help the Profession Help Others (1 Ethics Credit)
Online Civility and Professionalism for Attorneys (1 Ethics Credit)