• Marriage Equality in the Crosshairs: Estate Planning Protections amidst Targeted Discrimination
  • Macro Cross Border Planning Challenges Related To The LGBT Community In this timely, and compelling CLE program attorney, Angela D. Giampolo, presents Macro Cross Border Planning Challenges Related To The LGBT Community. Attorney Giampolo begins the program with an overview of LGBT immigration in the united states. The program continues with an international discussion of LGBT immigration. The program concludes with an explanation of LGBT estate planning and marriage concerns. This program is a must listen for any attorney.
  • California Landlord-Tenant Overview
  • Philosophy of a Business Legal Counselor In this timely, and compelling CLE program attorney, Todd Kulkin, presents “Philosophy of a Business Legal Counselor”. The program begins with an overview of business law philosophy and an explanation of various business models. The program continues with an introduction to the popular and effective business models. Mr. Kulkin then provides a discussion of how to determine liability and business intake. The program concludes with the importance of scalability and presenting risk. This program is for any attorney involved in business or has clients who are involved in business. Agenda
    • Philosophy of Business Law Corollaries 
    • Business Models 101 
    • Introduction to popular business models 
    • Determining liability from a business model 
    • Business intake 
    • The importance of scalability 
    • Presenting risk
  • Impaired Lawyers: A Call for Action - Description During this timely, and compelling CLE program Attorney, Brian Quinn, presents “Impaired Lawyers: A Call for Actions”. Mr. Quinn begins the program with an overview of statistics and warning signs of substance abuse. The program continues with an explanation on why lawyers are impacted and the barriers lawyers confront in seeking help. Attorney Quinn also discusses the stigma with seeking help, dealing with denial, and issues with enabling. The program concludes with how attorneys can seek help. This program is a must for any attorney.  Agenda
    • Statistics Overview
    • Warning Signs at Law Firms
    • Why Lawyers?
    • Barriers to Seeking Help
    • Stigma
    • Dealing Denial
    • Enabling
    • Seeking Help
  • Covid-19: Business and Asset Protection A coronavirus-induced recession is no longer avoidable—it is happening right now. Each recession brings with it declining sales, job losses, falling rents, and defaults on loans and leases. When a crisis hits, getting a head start matters and those who have prepared will fare better than those who have not. This engaging presentation on protecting assets from plaintiffs, lenders, creditors and the government will cover lessons learned from the financial crisis of 2008 that we can apply to 2020, what businesses can do now to transition into the recession, and how companies and individuals can protect their assets from litigation and creditor threats. The instructor will share real-life stories and anecdotes, and will present a very practical approach to protecting assets. The discussion will also cover asset protection planning in a troubled economy, focusing on protecting assets from lenders and landlords and how to plan after a lawsuit, a default or an accident. Agenda:
    • Debt Collection
    • Fraudulent Transfers
    • Entity Planning
    • Choice of Entity
    • Planning with Trusts
    • Foregin Trusts
    • Retirement Plans
    • Examples
  • How Marijuana Use Can impair an Attorney’s Ability to Perform Legal Services with Competence: The Mental, Physical, Addictive, and Impairing Side Effects Many attorneys have not heard how much stronger marijuana is today. In this timely  presentation, Heidi will provide basic information about the new high potency products. By  understanding the side effects these new products present, a lawyer can recognize the warning  signs and reduce his/her risk for addiction, mental illness and impairment.   Heidi Anderson - Swan’s brother was a homeless drug addict with schizophrenia who went to  jail eighteen times. In this CLE, she will begin by sharing their personal stories. She will  continue with up-to-date information about the risks of marijuana use every lawyer should know.   Agenda   -Heidi & Kirk: Occasional User and Chronic User of 1970’s Pot   -Marijuana and Psychosis/Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Suicide  -How Weed Has Changed Since the 1970’s   -High Potency Products: What Are They? What Are Their Side Effects?   -How to Detect Warning Signs   -Potential for Impaired Driving
  • Complex Trauma in Criminal Mitigation Cases: How Abuse and Neglect Cause Abnormal Development

    Many criminal defendants have suffered complex trauma that must be explicated through presentence reports by mitigation experts. This seminar will focus on major approaches to conceptualize the harm that many of our clients have suffered in childhood and a developmental perspective focusing on the effects of abuse and neglect. The seminar will also consider how these matters are assessed in a psychosocial evaluation and major psychopathology that results from complex trauma.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Identify the ACE criteria in the context of complex trauma.
    2. Understand a developmental perspective of abuse and neglect in the context of complex trauma.
    3. Understand how psychosocial evaluations by mitigation experts consider complex trauma.
    4. Understand the major areas of psychopathology that result from complex trauma.
  • Talc Litigation: Cross-examination of a Lung Cancer Plaintiff
  • The Federal False Claims Act: Enforcement and Recent Updates The session will provide an overview of the Federal Civil False Claims Act (FCA) and how it works.  It will also provide an assessment of enforcement activities, showing how healthcare providers may be at risk. In addition, the session will review recent cases and show how they potentially impact healthcare providers. We will start with a review of the Federal False Claims Act and discuss how it works and how it is being used to fight health care fraud.  We will discuss how the various health care fraud task forces use the Federal False Claims Act and its whistleblower provisions to identify and prosecute health care fraud.  The webinar will take the Federal False Claims Act apart and show step by step how an action is filed, how the government responds and how the courts interpret various elements of the Act. We will discuss proof, damages under the Act and how the whistleblower is rewarded for bringing a successful case.  The session will also provide an overview of the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS) and review what it prohibits, as well as a general review the AKS available safe harbors. It will also show how violation of the AKS can raise FCA concerns, and it will provide an assessment of enforcement activities, showing how participants may be at risk. In addition, the session will review recent cases and show how they potentially impact participants. We will provide an in-depth review of the AKS, focusing on what is prohibited under the Act and what the exceptions are.  We will also review the case law, particularly the early case law that sets the stage and basis for how the courts interpret the law.  We will also review the changes made to both the False Claims Act and the Anti-Kickback Statute made by the Affordable Care Act. Finally, the webinar will review various cases to show how easy it is to run afoul of the Statute, and how the courts view compliance with it.  In addition, we will discuss the latest updates to both the False Claims Act and the Anti-Kickback Statute. 


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